Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bret Hart Resigns To The WWE

The big news in the sports world on Wednesday had nothing to do with Tiger Woods....not even with golf. Pro Wrestling got some positive spin to it on December 16th and it was also a shocking announcement involving one of the most influential pro wrestling personalities of the 1990s, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

My wife is a big wrestling fan, has been since she was 5 years old when she got interested in International Wrestling (a Montreal territory organization). I knew her interest long befoe we dated and I did have a passing interest in it. That being that on Saturdays when the cartoons were done at Noon, WWF aired a one hour show that I would watch while eating lunch. If you asked me who the personel in the federation were I coul only give you the big names. I did hve an advantage over my wife though and it began in the late 1970s when I lived in Calgary.

I don't remember how often I went to Stampede Wrestling but I do know my mom took me a couple of times and I remember this big scary man walking up and down the aisles asking how everyone was and if they were enjoying the program. Turned out that was Stu Hart, but I didn't know. So when I went to those events I had seen this newbie wrestler, one of Stu's sons named Bret. Ask me howhe wrestled, what colour tights he wore and who he fought I couldn't answer. I was no more than 9 years old and in all honesty it was not omething I was truely interested in. My wife use to quiz me a lot when I told her I saw the "Pink & Black Attack" in Calgary, but she realized I remembered nothing of that.

Anyway, when we got together I was subjected to WWF on a weekly basis. I even skipped school to buy front row (or near front row) tickets when I would find out when WWF was coming to Cornwall. She had three favourites in wrestling, Ric Flair (who was mostly in the NWA/WCW) and the Hart Foundation, including into that the British Bulldogs (the two guys were Hart family members by marriage like Jim Neidhart was). Whever they were on TV, all the world stopped so he could watch. In fact the day of our wedding, as she was getting ready she stopped the hair dresser and make-up person so she could spend an hour watching WWF's Action Zone. Her interest in that was so big that later on when she was pregnant I put a stop to her watching wrestling at all in case she got too excited and went into early labour. I wasn't heartless though, I did tape every televised program and Pay-Per-View for both the WWF and WCW so she wouldn't miss anything. Then came something no one....not anyone on this planet who had even a fleeting interest in wrestling could have anticipated.

Everyone knows about the infamous Montreal Screw Job. If you don't, here's a link to read about it:

Basically Bret was told that the WWF couldn't afford his contract, to renegotiate with WCW and take their offr. He did so and was scheduled to leave the WWF, his home for almost 20 years, soon after the Survior Series PPV. Before the Screwjob happened, the plan was for the PPV match to be a disqualification because DX and the Hart Foundtion were to storm the ring during the Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart fight. In Ottawa on Raw the following day, Bret was to and over the title because he felt ashamed of how the match ended, leaving the title vacant. In a taping of Raw for next week, being held in Cornwall the next day, there was to be a tage match between Bret and Owen Hart against Michaels and Triple H then an announcement that a tournament was to take place for the vacated title, which Bret would not be involved in. Then after that, well I never heard anything except that Bret would eventually disappear and reappear on WCW.

When you read what happened in Montreal, you'd scratch your head. This is the city where NHL fans riot when the Canadiens lose the playoffs....or wins! Who is crazy enough to do the screwjob there? Obviously the WWF, now known as the WWE. If you read the Wiki entry, you'll see how fans reacted off-air and after the event. Michaels and Triple H should feel lucky that they got out of town alive. And when Shawn promised Bret he would protest the being champ and refused to go out on Monday with the belt and wouldn't make fun of Bret....what did he do? The complete opposite.

Ok, enough of the negative on that event. Eventually Bret did ok in WCW (but no one knew what to do with him in a program) but after getting a concussion it was over. His wrestling career was done and his life spiralled. He did find ways to deal with the problems in his life in time and even came out with a very good and honest autobiography of himself. It has been claimed to be THE BEST wrestling biography ever published. There were teases in the past about Bret returing to the WWE, like when he was inducted into their Hall Of fame (Michaels showed respect by leaving before Bret took the podium, btw). Then there was his taped promo for one of the Raw programs that was a McMahon Appreciation Night for which he gave his feelings on Vince (classic). But we never saw a full return to regular programing.

On December 14th, Dennis Miller was the guest host of Raw and during a Slammy Award presentation, Vince asked him who he would think would be a good future Raw Guest Host. Miller dropped the bomb fans wanted to hear...."What about Bret Hart?" Vince looked none too pleased and said "Last time Bret was here, Bret screwed Bret." Miller continued to rally the fans in attendence and it was clear, WWE fans would love to see Bret as a guest host. Vince stormed off the stage.....Was this just Miller pushing buttons he knew would cause a stir or was this a play, to build up to asking Bret to appear?

Obviously th answer is the build up. Vince was the one who put the ball in Dennis' court. He's never asked other people live on camera who should be a guest host. Then of course were the rumours for the last few months and interviewers asking Bret if he plans to go back to the WWE. His answer always avoided that question. Now the truth is known.

December 16, became public knowledge that Bret Hart had signed to a deal with the WWE to be an on-air personality from January 1, 2010 up to mid-April. Now the speculation has begun. First was the Dennis/Vince bomb and now it was announced that for Smackdown on December 25th, DX will be wrestling the Hart Dynasty. For those wondering, the Hart Dynasty is made up of Harry Smith (son of Davey Boy Smith, the British Bulldog and nephew to Bret), Natalya Neidhart (daughter of Jim Neidhart, neice of Bret) and Tyson Kidd (boyfriend of Natalya and last graduate of the Hart Dungeon). They claim it is "to right a wrong that was done years ago." Some weeks ago DX and the Hart Dyansty had a fanstasic match together on Raw. The Harts lost but both teams came out of that match with positive praises for a match well done. Now there is a rematch, played out like this match never happened. It is just to lay the foundation for Bret returning. Speculation is for January 4, 2010 s a Raw Guest Host. Why then?

A few weeks ago, Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling (TNA) formed a partnership with Eric Bishoff and then with Hulk Hogan. As part of this deal, the "team" managed to get a timeslot for a 3 hours program on January 4th, going head to head with WWE's Raw show. Hogan and Dixie Carter (TNA President) claimed this would be TNA's first shot at the WWE for a new Monday Night War. On that date to have Bret Hart reappear on WWE would totally kill all expectations for TNA's plan to take the audience away from WWE. The return of Bret Hart to the WWE is FAR bigger news and TV to watch than to see yet another endless return of Hulk Hogan to your TV. The qustion now is how will this relate to Bret interacting (on and off screen) with TripleH and Shawn Michaels, the two major instigators of the Screwjob? Guess we'll all find out. Health wise though, Bret should not get involved in wrestling. A concussion and stroke nand two things you should not screw around with. Whatever he does, my wife is at least happy.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is Highway 138 Dangerous...Or Is It The Drivers?

I was up in Ottawa last week to do a bit of research and shopping. On the way home the weather started getting bad as a second snow storm came through. On Highway 417 it wasn't bad at all. Once I got to Tayside on Highway 138 though, there were white outs, snow drifts and all around dangerous condisitions. I was still able to travel between 70 and 80 kph so that wasn't bad timing nor control either. Still from there to Cornwall I was passed by 14 cars/trucks and 3 tractortrailers. Most either dangerously came close to my vehicle as it passed or quickly cut me off re-entering the southbound lane. I was livid, especially by the transports passing me, but I had to maintain control of the car so I just grumbled and carried on. I did see on the way home between Monkland and St. Andrews 5 vehicles in the ditch and one transport that went too far to the right and was stuck in a huge drift. I couldn't tell, but I had hoped those were the idiots that passed me. While they were stuck there I arrived at home, 5 - 10 minutes later than I had originally planned before the storm rolled in. I couldn't help but remember past statements about Highway 138. Many in the political and general public have called the highway dangerous, unsafe and in need of either widenning to 4 lanes, cut off from having so many intersections or installing a few passing lanes similar to old Highway 17 to Hawkesbury and Highway 15 to Kingston. Is that really the problem though?

I have driven on the 138 for 21 years and it has only been in the last 10 that there has been public outcry. Coincidentally that is how long I have noticed drivers have become more brazen, arrogent and careless in their vehicles. People are going through stop signs, slowing down at red lights then zipping through, not yeilding the right of way, cutting off other drivers, speeding, etc. In no way am I saying I am the best driver on the road, I am however a damn good driver overall. I admit that my one infraction is speeding, doing 10 kms over the speed limit, but that's it. I have been in four accidents in my life, the first I was hit by a drunk driver, the second I was cut off by a driver who was in the middle lane and suddenly decided to make a left turn right in my path without looking to see that I was next to her bumper. Third was one that was an act of weather conditions when I couldn't stop while coming down an overpass and I rearended the person in front of me (no tickets issued, but my insurance deemed me at fault). The last one I was waiting to pull out of a parking lot when someone backed out of their parking space and rammed me dead on in the middle of my car.

So back to the 138. Every time I drive on it I go 90 kph, 10 more than posted. I am always passed by many drivers and of late even nuts that pass when it is a double line or solid on our side. I had the road once to myself and out of the blue a set of headlight quickly came up behind me. The jerk passed and then disappeared into the night ahead of me. About 5 minutes later I saw an OPP car on the side with his speed gun out. made me wonder what happened to Speedy that passed me. Anyway, myself and many others have said it, Highway 138 is a good, well maintained long as you obey the rules of the road. Those that complain are the ones who pass other at any time, speed at alarming numbers and end up causing accidents.

Two month ago, I was surprised to see a car speeding up to my bumper, pass me without signalling, go back in the lane in front of me without signalling and drive off into the distance. I won't say who it was by name but I will say that the driver was a well-known Cornwall Council member who has been on record as saying that the 138 is dangerous and needs to be widened or the speed limit raised. Well no wonder, this politician is one of those in the percentages of being part of the dangerous drivers of the 138 problem!!

Years ago I witnessed the aftermath of a collision on the 138. I saw the yellow tarp inside one car and, with my policing studies background I realized it was covering a body. I later learned in the media that it was a mother and child who were hit dead on by an impatient driver passing a transport truck on a double line section of the road. That was gruesome, especially when I learned that the one who caused the accident lived without even a scratch on them and that the judicial system only gave him a minute fine. Knowing that story and many others, you'd think people would be more careful....nope, they just don't care because it didn't happen to them therefore they carry on with how they drive. I was a bit wild when I got my license and what calmed me down was that run in with that drunk driver (and other things involved from that accident that I had to fight about). 2 years of being a driver and I realized some of the stunts I was doing was not safe to my passengers or other drivers, no matter how well I was a driver.

So does the 138 need improvements? Serious, there are just two problems that I see. The portion from Cornwall Centre Road and St. Andrews West should be just a regular road and a new by-pass should be built from the north end of Brookdale Avenue to merge back to the highway north of St. Andrews West and that CPR crossing in Monkland. It's like you are driving through a rock garden there. Otherwise, no...the road is pretty much in great shape. Should the road be widenned? Maybe it does need a passing lane in a couple of spots due to farmers running their equipment on the road. Should it be a 400 series highway? OMG, no way!!!!! Should the speed limit be higher? Maybe....but always remember that no matter what is posted, some drivers just go faster. What is needed is more police presence in unmarked cars and serious infractions should not be just let off with a warning but met with fines.

Some of you may be reading this and saying BAH!!!! Well think of this just for a moment. Your kid is out driving somewhere. Suddenly the phone rings and it is the police saying there was a terrible accident and you are needed at the hospital. You get there and find out they had passed away, killed in a car accident that was caused by a reckless driver ignoring the rules of the road. Tell me how you will feel about your own driving practices after going through that?

Remember, the speed limit is 80 kph, pass other cars when it is a broken line for your side of the road and when it is clear of oncoming traffic and always respect other drivers, even the idiots. You'll get to where you are going safely and in one piece. Heck, maybe all our insurance rates will finally go down with better driving skills. What scares me is seeing that there are others that don't give a damn....just watch any season of Canada's Worst Drivers on the Discovery Channel. OMG, how could those people have a licence??????

Sunday, November 29, 2009

She's Back Home - And My Life Gets Organized

Melissa's back home now. Things didn't go all as originally planned for the last few days she spent here, but she had a good time at least. She had thought there was an immediate train leaving for here from Montreal in the early afternoon but had a surprise, there was a good 3 hours between trains so she had to find things to do without missing that one. So Sunday's exploration of our immediate area was put off until Monday, which we did. I think her highlight was either the Cornwall Jail or St. Raphel's Church. Then that evening we took her back to Ottawa so she can take her VERY early flight back home. LOTS of fog so many flights were cancelled that night and the hotels were packed with irritated airport users. I said my goodbyes to Mel and wished her well, hoping to see her again when we both get the chance.

Tuesday I had to work and my wife stood by to hear on Mel's safe trip calls though. Then I got home, checked the Ottawa and Calgary airports for departure/arrival times and got a mixed answer. Ottawa said her flight took off early while Calgary said it was cancelled. After a few inquiries to Mel and her sister by e-mail, I was relieved to learn she got home safely. Original flight cancelled so she did a layover hop in experience she does not want to repeat. Point of the matter, she's back home, safe and sound and I hope well relaxed from her trip.

I also did a bit of "cleaning house" in my life. The last few months I became involved in MANY issues and groups and you know that old saying.....if you spread yourself out too much, everything you are involved in will suffer. That's the truth and it took me getting ill to realize I had to get my priorities straight, regardless of how I feel about some things. I knew that things at home with my family, work and the municipal heritage group were my important things so I dropped everything else. My wife recently had major surgery, my son needed his parents for homework help and work needed me several times to be called in....all were suffering so enough was enough. My focus is back on track and amazingly in this first week I actually have time to myself, something I haven't had in a few months.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

An Old Friend Over For a Visit

2006 was a busy year for me. I achieved to be in charge of the municipal heritage group, I cemented some great contacts for my research and I managed to renew old friendships with high school pals whom meant a lot to me back then. I thought that would be the crowning achievement but what capped off the year was meeting for the first time face to face in 25 years with my only childhood friend that I cared about. I already wrote at length about how we got back in contact when we were 17 and how that meeting in Belleville went, even if it was just for seven hours. The fact was that she specifically took a day out of her week trip to Toronto to meet up with me and that meant a lot.

Now 3 years later circumstances have brought about an opportunity. Melissa had some time to herself and I had joked that now would be a good time for her to come my way to visit. Three weeks later I have a house guest. Mel decided to go for the trip idea and what started out as just a passing statement, serious plans were made between us and now she's here. I finally was able to introduce her to my wife and son and later she'll meet my mother and brother again. So far I would have to say that everything went well. She arrived on Tuesday and stayed in Ottawa to do a bit of her own site-seeing. Wednesday we went up to get her, did a couple of Ottawa places and brought her to Cornwall. Thursday she spent the time seeing things between Iroquois and Kingston and Friday it was Montreal viewing. She's still there today and will return to Cornwall tomorrow. Plans are that we'll check out immediate area stuff, visit my mother and brother, then Monday check a site or two then back to Ottawa to look at any last minute sites before she checks in to her hotel. Then Tuesday she's headed back to Calgary.

So far I would have to say it has been great having the extended time together. We have been able to comfortably talk about a lot of things about ourselves, have some laughs, look at some serious matters and, above all, just relax and have a good time. It may not be the ideal time to be here due to many places having limited hours of being open or are closed for the season, but the company is great.

Well, today's the Christmas Parade and unfortunately she'll be missing it, but I also hope that her visit with other friends in Montreal is going well on such a beautiful day like today. Maybe she'll come back and bring the kids with her. Although it is now my turn to get me and my family to go westward to visit her.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Yep, after so long I am back to blogging

What happened to the old blog?
For some of you whom read my previous blog, you seen how I talked about things, etc. Well one of the topics was about my old high school friends and how it felt to have reconnected with nearly all of them. That feeling changed quickly....

The last reconnection I made was with the East Indian girl of our group. We spoke once, seemed all good and she was to call me back later....she never did. Suddenly one day I logged on to my e-mail and saw a letter from one of the reconnected "acquantence" that had a weird subject line. She said that the East idian girl found my blog and was furious about what I wrote and told her about it. She too was POed. Then they told a recent reconnected friend of mine and she was none too pleased either. Point of matter....she supposely seeked legal advice and told me to NEVER speak to her or the East Indian girl again. Luckily the third friend had enough sense to put herself in my shoes and knew I meant no harm, that I was just happy with everything that happened.

My initial reaction....panic. I worried about how legal action would affect my family, forget about myself because I didn't care about me. So after an hour of trying to apologize and getting advice from friends, something suddenly hit me....logic. The one friend whom understood my blogging accepted my apology and asked me to remove anything with her name on it. Seems like the right, mature way to go. To this day we still are in contact. But the other two, it took a bit of time in that morning but I realized something....I was duped!

The one ex-acquantence was never really a friend of mine, just someone I talked to from time to time ages ago. She claimed how we have grown and matured and were beyond the petty school yard antics. On Facebook she deleted me as a friend, which makes sense, but why did she deleted my wife, whom she was closer to and had no problems with? Now concerning that East Indian ex-friend, she never called me back as she said she was going to. I heard about her reaction from the previously mentioned person....which was 10 months after she said "I have to go, can I call you back later? Give me your number." So I concluded one thing.....NEITHER of them actually wanted to reconnect, right the wrongs done to us and be civil to one another in respect of our old friendship. I called my lawyer that afternoon and we had a good (free) talk about this matter. I managed to save the entire blog in txt format and then took the blog down....out of respect for the friend that asked me to remove her name. My lawyer said not to worry because what he read had no slander, no lies, was not insulting anyone, I had absolute proof of everything I had wrote and was actually praising the people whom were angry with me. I waited and nothing happened so.......

Why Back?
I'm back to blogging and doing it the way I want, regardless of people. I will however keep certain names out (as you can see here) and just carry on as I use to. I wanted to blog again because things changed in my life. I've grown to have more influence in my area of work and have been involved with a lot of decision making. Thing is, I am tied of all the hidden agendas and "look good for the public" things so I feel I need to speak out....hence why this is called Point Blank.....absolute honesty, absolute thoughts and absolutely no regards to anyone trying to sneak around on others in the quest to push their own agenda. So stay tuned. I will be blogging like I use to, but also be more open about things. And to those people that are or use to be my names will be printed.